Elementary School


Our current enrollment at GUUF supports an elementary age class of kindergarten through third graders.

Meeting Information:

Each year the RE teachers choose a curricula written by the UUA, our national organization.  The curricula are rotated so that children moving through the program receive a broad exposure to UU values and principles through active and engaging learning activities.

In order to make the best use of our resources, each month is broken up as follows:

  • 1st and 3rd Sundays: Children in the elementary classroom are involved in a literature/art activity which supports a seasonal theme or a UU principle.
  • 2nd and 4th Sundays: Our RE classes focus on curriculum. This coincides with the Sundays that our congregation invites a visiting speaker or UU minister from another congregation in the country
  • 5th Sundays: are multigenerational services, and the children stay in the sanctuary with the adults and participate in the service.

We offer classes each Sunday in the summer months as well.

Family Information Form:

Filling out a Family Information Form each year and returning it to the RE teacher or the office allows us to keep you up-to-date on events and programs. We will use the information you provide to inform the types of programs we offer.

This will also help us insure that we have all of the information we need to keep your child safe.

Paper forms can be found in the GUUF office.