Service Projects:

Green Team — The Green Sanctuary

Led by Lynda Saul, this group at GUUF has been exploring ways to make our building, grounds, and our community’s footprint as green and as carbon neutral as possible. The group meets after the services on an occasional basis and assigns various members research projects. In addition, they have been hosting one service on an ecological topic most months. Anyone is welcome to join in.

Samaritan House in Kalispell

Chair for ’23-’24 is Cly Evans, streitevans[at]gmail.com

Our ongoingProject is providing meals at Samaritan House in Kalispell. We are doing this just once a month at present. We always need folks to sign up. Click here to get to our SignUp Genius page where you can choose a date and what you would like to bring.

Sponsorship of a Syrian family through the International Rescue Committee

Our social action group has been working this year to settle a Syrian family of five here in the Kalispell community. Both parents have found jobs and the three kids are all in Kalispell schools and the Head Start program. There is much to do as we continue to assist them with tutoring, medical care, and legal and financial assistance. If you would like to help, come to GUUF or contact our chair for this project:

Dan Kohnstamm 406-260-6244

“Share the Plate”

“Share the Plate” projects at GUUF are for social or environmental projects. Some recent choices are:

  • Flathead Land Trust
  • Center for Restorative Youth Justice
  • Buenos Vecinos — Clean water project in Guatemala
  • FAST Blackfood — a food pantry and food education project in Browning, MT
  • Habitat for Humanity of the Flathead Valley
  • Rotary Club Backpack program in the schools for Bigfork/Swan lake
  • Unitarian Universalist Service Committee — international projects
  • Flathead Warming Center
  • Sponsoring our Refugee Family