
There are many ways to help keep our fellowship alive financially.

1) Tithe.ly, is a safe and secure giving platform that allows you to give one-time or recurring gifts!

You can get started now by downloading the Tithe.ly App from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).

Since this is your first time giving with Tithe.ly you will be prompted to create an account that you can use for all future gifts.

  • The first time you will also need to add your credit/debit card or ACH/banking info.
  • Once your account has been created you won’t need to enter your personal or payment information. Just enter your PIN and give!
  • You can choose your gift to be a weekly offering, or towards your annual pledge or even a share the plate offering.
  • You will receive a receipt for each donation as well as an end of year statement.

It is a really easy and secure way to donate to GUUF and help keep us going.

2)   Write checks.  You can also fill out a pledge form so we can plan our budget better for the entire year.  

3)  Add cash to our baskets.   Put your cash in an envelope with your name on it so that you are credited for this donation if you would like to do so.